Public Access Computers
SHPL has 7 public computers that have access to the Internet and the Microsoft Office Suite. Users must sign in to use computers.
SHPL offers both color and black and white printing. There is a $0.15 per page charge for black & white prints and a $0.25 per page charge for color prints.
How to Access the Wi-Fi
SHPL has Wi-Fi available for public use. Wi-Fi can be accessed without a password
Scanning or Faxing a Document
SHPL offer to scan for free and faxing @ $1.00 per page.
Computer Use Policy
All users must sign in to use computers. No one under 18 years old may use Public PCs unless they have a card registered in the Delaware County Library System.
Users must agree to refrain from inappropriate/illegal use of the computer equipment and must follow Delaware County Library’s Electronic Information Network Policy.
The library and library staff are not obligated to provide computer training or assistance.
All computers are available for use on a first-come, first-served basis.
DCL Electronic Information Network (EIN) and Internet Safety Policy
For a PDF version of this policy, please visit: http://www.delcolibraries.org/sites/default/files/einpolicy.pdf
Approved by the Delaware County Library System (DCLS) Board of Library Directors
2/6/97, Rev. 8/7/97, Rev. 11/4/1999
Revisions to include CIPA and County requirements approved by the Board on February 7, 2002
Revisions approved by Board on May 4, 2006 after public hearing on 3/2/06, Rev. 5/1/2008
In formulating our policy with regard to the Electronic Information Network (EIN) access, we have been guided by the following: The idea of free and unrestricted access to information is a fundamental principle of the public library tradition, and the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the United States. A library, as a public facility, must maintain an atmosphere conducive to enjoyment by all members of the public. Individuals afforded the freedom to use the library have a responsibility not to engage in offensive or disruptive conduct. The duty and obligation to guide the development of children and the discretion to restrict their access to information lies with the parents/legal guardians. A public library should be receptive to parental concerns, and seek means to cooperate with parents exercising their responsibility, consistent with the overall mission of the library. In compliance with County of Delaware network requirements and the Federal Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), technology protection measures have been placed on all computers in libraries.
As specified by the County of Delaware and in the CIPA, the technology protection measure (filter) is intended to block access to adult materials and to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornographic or harmful to minors*. If you feel a website was blocked or permitted incorrectly, please notify the library staff with the complete URL (web address) of the site.
Although the technology protection measure (filter) is in place, it is not infallible and parents/legal guardians should continue to guide their child’s use of the Internet. Parents/legal guardians should be aware that the Internet includes online sites that contain or make reference to explicit sexual materials as defined in 18Pa.C.S. 5903 (relating to obscene and other sexual materials and performances.) Parents/legal guardians are expected to supervise their children’s Internet sessions. Legal documents are available on the web site of Commonwealth
To insure that the user has agreed to library policies, a user must have a current Delaware County library card. All other adult non-card holders must agree in writing on behalf of themselves or their children to follow Electronic Information Network policies